
Shopping centre or destination?

Fondazione Neri, among its many activities, like running the Italian Museum of Cast Iron, curates and publishes 'Arredo & Città', a six-monthly magazine dedicated to schemes, debates and research on the design and style developments of urban lighting and street furniture.

The printed version of the current issue just landed on our desks. It is entirely dedicated to shopping centres and the debate around their destiny.Conceived and managed for retail exclusively, shopping centres today don’t meet the needs of new consumers that more and more often choose to shop online instead of going to stores. Do big shopping centres still have a purpose? Are they profitable? These are the most recurring and urgent questions that our authors have tried to answer.

Authors of this issue are:
Andrea Cacaci, L22, IT
Vittorio Caponetto, Chapman Taylor, IT
Danny Crump, Broadway Malyan, UK
Masato Kametani, AE7, UAE
Paul Kissinger, EDSA, USA
Riccardo Marini, Marini Urbanismo, UK
Davide Minniti, Atkins Member of the SNC-Lavalins Group, UK
Paul Nulty, Nulty +, UK
Adolfo Suarez, L22, IT
Carla Wilkins, Lichtvision, DE

The magazine can be downloaded from this link.