
Neri becomes Social

Neri has innovated its communication and marketing policy by entering the most advanced and up-to-date social networking circuits, now increasingly more used by companies the world over. Active, global and always on, the already operational Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, not only serve to increase online popularity, but also to provide useful, up-to-the-minute information in a simple, immediate manner. And now you can follow us on LinkedIn and Google+ as well.
The most recent surveys on the use of social media by Italian businesses has revealed Facebook to be the most popular channel, chosen by 71.1% of companies with at least one social media profile (compared to 35.2% in 2010).

Facebook: facebook.com/NeriSpa
Twitter: twitter.com/Neri_Spa
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/neri-spa
Google+: plus.google.com/106994444720389020102/posts
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/NeriSpa