NERI is sponsor of the "Science and Technology Foundation " and its museum "FirST " in Florence, which also saw the Neri Foundation and his Italian Museum of Cast Iron as guest among the speakers of the study day " Tesla and the electric revolution ."
An event that recall the first experiments in the field of electric lighting linked to Nikola Tesla, visionary and tireless researcher and pioneer of the electric revolution began in the late nineteenth century.
At the Physics Laboratory of the new Museum First The Science and Technology Foundation inaugurated the installation of an arc lamp of the nineteenth century, part of historical collections and the history of electricity industry from the late nineteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century.
The original arc lamp of the type Alteneck Hefner type worked again in front of an audience fascinated by the taste of the "re - discovery " , after being restorated and then installed on a special wall bracket produced by NERI with the advice of the Italian Museum of Cast Iron.
In fact, Tesla , whose experiments were based on the use of alternating current, polyphase current and high-frequency oscillations and high-voltage , was also in charge of arc lamps capable of producing very bright light, ideal for street lighting and of the outdoors spaces, very popular between 1880 and 1920.